Slipping Through the Cracks

Published May 30th, 2008 by Emma Berg

Maybe you have or maybe you haven't come across the name Antony Micallef. Twice a week I catch myself traveling to his site to take a peak. And not because he is a prolific artist with new work daily but because I am absolutely addicted to his work. My eyes scream for the imagery.
 Antony Micallef  My Walk In Harajuku , 2005  Antony Micallef  21st Century Love , 2005

3 years ago Ben came across Antony. There were prints available of his work on Eyestorm. At the time the prints we were torn between were around $800....the pieces that we didn't purchase and are no longer available are worth over $6,000.ouch

For most of us purchasing art it isn't about the investment...but there definitely is validation in having purchased (or pondered purchasing) a work of art that rises in value as such.

But here money is secondary, my real lesson learned is that I still want to see Antony's work daily. I'm drawn to it, it whispers my name when I am least expecting it. I want to wake up to it, have sweet dreams while I lay under it. But instead I drudge to his website just to take a peak of a digital version. The piece and I might continue this dance in purgatory forever.

And why didn't I purchase it when I could have? Other priorities I suppose and the idea that it would be available for me when I needed it.oops.

Here are some on Antony's newer works, which of course, I am deeply in love/lust with.

Antony Micallef, Fuckface Antony Micallef, Dreamer


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