Traffic Zone’s annual Open Studios

Traffic Zone’s annual Open Studios

The artists of Traffic Zone Center for Visual Arts are once again pleased to hold their popular Open Studios event.

This year we are holding our event in conjunction with the semi-annual North Loop Gallery Walk. Our past practice had been to hold the event on the first Saturday in May, but please note that this year we are holding Open Studios on Saturday, May 11, 2024. In addition to the 23 accomplished Traffic Zone artists, we are pleased to include 3 guest artists. Works in a variety of mediums - from photography to book arts to painting - will be available for viewing and for purchase directly from the artists. 

Participating Traffic Zone Artists

Harriet Bart, Carl Bretzke, Kristie Bretzke, Perci Chester, Jim Conaway, Jim Dryden, Jil Evans, Bonnie Heller, Bruce Hudson-Bogaard, Pat Hui, Ellie Kingsbury, Vesna Kittelson, Paul Kwok, Lisa Nankivil, Jon Neuse, Howard Oransky, Steve Ozone, Rebecca Pavlenko, Patrick Pryor, Phil Rosenbloom, CB Sherlock, Harold B. Stone, Jantje Visscher

Participating Guest Artists

Suzy Johnson, Beth Pekham, Shelly Rosett

Image: Ellie Kingsbury, Midnight Water Fairy, digital print on silk, 10 x 10 in. 

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