Terrain | Priscilla Briggs

Terrain | Priscilla Briggs

Rosalux Gallery Presents: Terrain by Priscilla Briggs.

Terrain pairs photographs of two small organic farms, one in Gardners, Pennsylvania and the other in Tuscany, Italy, that describe the beauty of the land and its terrain. Each location is the background for a different story as told by artist Priscilla Briggs. The photographs of Pennsylvania tell a story of her father and his farm over the passage of seasons and years. It is a story of love for land and father. Another story is told about the olive harvest at Poderi Borselli, a family farm that produces olive oil and wine in the village of Montegiovi, and has a unique relationship with the La Baldi artist residency. Both locations are also the subject of artist zines that focus on sustainable farming practices: An Unconventional Farmer and Case Studies in Sustainability: Poderi Borselli.  

Website: Priscillabriggs.com

Instagram: @priscilla_briggs_

Inquiries: Please address all inquiries to Rosaluxopendoor@gmail.com

Gallery Hours: 

Rosalux Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday from 12-4 PM or by appointment. 

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