Snack and Squish

Snack and Squish

Snack and Squish is a fun way to meet people and learn about two types of clay at Clay Squared to Infinity. Always free and open to the public.

Every second Wednesday of the month at lunch time.
Clay Squared invites the community to learn more about Josh Blanc's ceramic tiles and Layl McDill's polymer clay sculptures.  

This month we travel back in time to when Josh lived in Vermont and Layl lived in Wyoming.  That’s where they both started their artistic journey- Josh surrounded by maple syrup and Layl with cowboy art. How did these early influences get them to where they are today? Come and hear the fun stories and munch on pancakes with maple syrup and Layl’s childhood staple- venison!
And then squish some clay!  Josh will show you how he made his first maple leaf tiles and Layl will encourage pure play to replicate her playdough days. 
We will be revealing surprising connections while you learn more about Clay Squared and have interesting conversations.  

Make your lunch break out-of-this-world fun! 

Bring a coworker, friend, spouse, date, children or furry friend. Free as always!

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