Northern Spark 2021: Alchemy

Northern Spark 2021: Alchemy

The annual festival returns Summer of 2021 with two weeks of healing, transformative programming focused on the theme Alchemy

Northern announces this year’s Northern Spark theme, projects and artists. Northern Spark will span two weeks (June 12-27) instead of one all-night festival or two late-nights. 

The public will come together in creative, unconventional ways, engaging with artist projects online, through the mail, and in person in St. Paul.

The Theme: Alchemy

The theme for this year's Northern Spark was created by the 2021 Artist Council with Northern

Artists are the modern-day alchemists. We mix form, materials, and ideas to transform the collective emotional matter of this world into new shapes. If art were a universal elixir for healing, how do we hold space for grief and loss as well as concoct recipes to honor our hunger for joy? How do we transform isolation into intimacy? Orbits into intersections? What community wisdom might we mix together for recovery?

In 2021 the festival supports artist projects that encourage our communities to safely connect and still inspire the kind of experimental, surprising experiences we love at Northern Spark. Bring your grief, your joy, yourself and be part of the elixir of magical transformation.

Learn more on Northern Spark's website.

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