Memory Pieces | Kordula Coleman

Memory Pieces | Kordula Coleman

Viewpoint Gallery presents a solo exhibition with ceramic artist Kordula Coleman

"The pieces that I have made for this show have my late sister Roswitha’s life and passing as its theme.

I am the youngest of five sisters, and Roswitha was the fourth child, and six years my senior – my teacher, advisor and mentor throughout much of my life. She passed away from cancer treatment complications last year, after a long and brave battle. We are still processing the fact that her full life was cut short in this way, and making our way through grieving her.

To aid this process, I made a Spotify playlist in her remembrance, and to feel connected to her, and process my sadness. All the sculptures I have made for the show have been inspired by a musical piece on this playlist, and it will play during the show opening. I hope visitors will connect with the sculptures, and the music that inspired them.

It means so much to me that I will be able to celebrate my sister’s life and story with my community by showing this body of work."


"I make my figurative ceramic pieces to explore and understand the multifaceted experience of being human - my own and that of others. Sculpting the human body is my way of expression, since I am fascinated with its anatomy, and since it shows psychological processes and mental states so eloquently through its poses and gestures.

My goal is to tell stories, touch the viewer with these stories, and encourage them to share their own. I grew up with an emotional abusive parent, so my pieces tend to explore how a dark state of mind, anxiety and depression, can be processed and overcome. I am looking for healing in my art making - for myself and for the viewer. I believe that humans do best in an atmosphere of compassion, where they can show their complete selves without fear of judgment. By being open about my own scars, I want to encourage viewers to open up about theirs as well.

I love working with clay because if it is handled right, it is supple, versatile and forgiving, which reminds me of the human body. The feeling of clay under my hands also has an immensely calming and uplifting effect on me."

Show opening Friday, Nov 10 2023, 5 to 9 pm
Artist talk and demonstration Sunday, Nov 19 2023 from 3 to 4 pm
Show closes Nov 20 2023.
Gallery will be open daily from 1 to 5 pm, and will be closed on Nov 18.

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