Jon Neuse | Life, Broadly

Jon Neuse | Life, Broadly

An exhibition of artworks by Jon Neuse.

Traffic Zone Gallery presents Jon Neuse: Life, Broadly. The exhibition features new oil stick drawings that explore contemporary relationships between men, women and children. For many years Neuse has explored intricate aspects of his personal and contemporary family life. From 2006 through 2010 he used the metaphor of the circus with multimedia images of his immediate and then young family. In this exhibition he presents a broader view of life rendered in simple line drawings. War, disease and cultural dysfunction are the subjects.

Artist Biography

Neuse has been a full-time multimedia artist in the Twin-Cities for the past 35 years. Currently he is teaching art at Minnetonka Center for the Arts and over the years has taught at the University of Minnesota, Metropolitan State University, in the Minnesota Community and Technical College system and in his own studio. He has exhibited extensively in galleries, colleges and universities in the United States.  He is a fourteen-year member of the Traffic Zone Center for Visual Art artist collective.

Gallery Hours: 

Monday - Friday, 9 am-5 pm, and by appointment.

Free and open to the public.

Image:  Jon Neuse, Ladders, 2022, oil stick on paper, 20 x 14 in. (right) and  Jon Neuse, Who’s Right, 2022, oil stick on paper, 20 x 14 in. (Left)

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