INN(H)ER WORLDS | Anna Gambucci and Kat Parent

INN(H)ER WORLDS | Anna Gambucci and Kat Parent

Come follow Anna Gambucci and Kat Parent deep into INN(H)ER WORLDS, a feminist, playful, subversive and intimate multi-dimensional art exhibition and experience, merging sculpture, paintings, drawings, music, poetry, and film.

Both Gambucci and Parent —both classically trained musicians AND visual artists—use multiple media to intuitively and vulnerably explore their complex relationships to femininity and the strange and beautiful worlds that emerge when each one rejects rigid gendered roles and such deeply entrenched belief systems. What kind of art do we make after we reject exhausting assigned roles as a trophy wife, a straight-A student, a proper church girl, a winning thoroughbred with the perfect pedigree? As we decompose these status quo shells, what new melodies with the potential for authentic solidarity and connection can we trace?

Gambucci’s colorful, playful, primal paintings, drawings and sculpture (including a life-size Trojan horse self-portrait sculpture!!) burst with intense emotion and movement. As a former smalltown Kansas Mennonite–turned professional singer and conductor–turned stay-at-home mom–turned urban street and artist activist, Anna is committed to collective and personal Truth telling, to the empowering nude and intimate portraiture, and to gorgeous, vibrant color. Parent’s earthy, dark paintings, music and textile art are infused with wry humor. Their visual art includes a camp horror visual diary of the first years of a pandemic and tender, grungy meditations on local ecosystems. Swampling is an ecohorror musical self-portrait of dissolving into a nonbinary swamp creature complete with handmade costumes–don’t miss their April 27 performance with collaborator SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE. 

Guests are invited to bring headphones / ear buds to scan QR codes and hear short, musical clips behind or paired with certain artworks!!


Viewing by appointment April 5-April 27 or during public events. To arrange private viewing: contact Anna Gambucci at

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