In Rotation

In Rotation

In June 2022, twenty-one artists dedicated a sketchbook for a one-year observation on the movements happening around and within themselves. The project was an invitation to slow down and explore these shifts: the micro and macro movements in the everyday from the rhythmic patterns of physical bodies, to the subtle changes in perspectives, to the constant celestial rotations that move the very earth where we stand. 

The artists shared sketches with each other as moments of pause along the way, and now they share them together in a group exhibition. Each sketchbook is a window into a past year, a record of life’s movements, an invitation to be aware in order to calibrate and connect as we continue to rotate together.


Allison Spence, Alyssa Baguss, Andi Valdes Valdes, Caitlin Skaalrud, Elizabeth Ihekoronye, Galilee Peaches, Indra Ramassamy, Jamie Kubat, Jes Reyes, Jordyn Brennan, Lois Eliason, Lora Hlavsa, Lucino Sosa, Lynda Acosta, Lyz Wendland, Melanie Pankau, Olivia House, Regula Russelle, robert k. tom, Samuel Evensen, Silent Fox

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