How Will You Know When You Belong | Nicole Sara Simpkins

How Will You Know When You Belong | Nicole Sara Simpkins

How Will You Know When You Belong transforms the Silverwood Park Gallery into a lush installation of sculptural tapestries featuring botanical and industrial prints mended together with rich, unusual embroidery.

Translucent, two-sided, and full of openings, this immersive work invites viewers to locate themselves as bound-up-with shifting patterns in ecosystems and seasons. It asks: The land is changing; how are we going to change along with it?

Join Minneapolis-based artist Nicole Sara Simpkins, Three Rivers' Propagation Specialist Missy Anderson, and Three Rivers’ Invasive Species Supervisor Meg Duhr for a conversation about invasive plant species, ecosystem impacts, and adaptation. Each will share their perspective and experience through their respective lens of art, science, and management on Sunday, April 21 from 10 am - noon. This talk is in conjunction with Nicole's exhibition How Will You Know When You Belong. We will gather in the gallery and view the show before heading into the Great Hall for a unique and informative conversation about invasive plant species. We'll have a short Q & A at the end.

Gallery Hours:

The Silverwood Park Gallery is free to the public and open daily from 9 am - 5 pm 

Image: The Lack Seemed Solid (Tansy, Queen Anne's Lace, Mullein), detail, linoleum prints, screen prints, found materials and fibers, vintage lace, hand stitching, cutting, 6' x 6', 2023

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