Echoes of the Labyrinth | Gino Carlo Markocs

Echoes of the Labyrinth | Gino Carlo Markocs

Gino Carlo Markocs presents Echoes of the Labyrinth, a series of paintings of minotaurs living and interacting made with gold joss paper on canvas, on view at Calendula Gallery.

The minotaur symbolizes the unification of primal and civilized – masculine and feminine – the human and natural world. The Minotaur is a misunderstood being - in Greek mythology, the minotaur was born from the unnatural union of Pasiphae and the Cretan Bull, as a means of revenge against King Minos by Poseidon, for the king's hubris and unwillingness to pay sacrifice to Poseidon. The minotaur was then imprisoned in the labyrinth. The Minotaur committed no sins but was punished for his existence and the sins of his father. Humanity faces a similar struggle to the Minotaur, being stuck in a labyrinth that is unnatural to our way of being and forced to suffer for actions out of our control. 

In addition to the art, Gino has created an immersive performance of dance, projection and costume art for the exhibit opening. 

Please note:  February 2, 2024 is also Lowertown’s First Fridays Art Crawl.  Ten+ calendula artists will have additional tables and displays for view, and the Northwestern Building artists’ studios will be open to the public as well. 

Gallery Hours:

Typically open the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday and Sunday of the month. 

Also Open the First Fridays of every Month for Lowertown First Fridays Art Crawl 

See the Calendula website for specific hours.

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