Join AZ Gallery for Collective ALCHEMY III; the 3rd show in a their 2024 curatorial series.
When most people think of ALCHEMY, they think of the legendary quest to create gold or the ultimate “healing elixir”.
But taken metaphorically, the processes of alchemy can be applied to basically anything that nudges you along on your own personal journey.
To put it very, very, VERY simply - ALCHEMY is intentional transformation.
CREATIVITY personified.
It’s about seeing things in a new light and about applying things and using things in a way that hasn’t been done before to CREATE something new, exciting, magical and innovative.
This power to transform things for the better, real or imagined,
Please join us on this JOURNEY in 2024.
58 original pieces of ART. Created by 58 ARTISTS.
Gallery Hours: Saturday/Sunday, 10am-4m
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