Collect Call is an exhibition series where SooVAC invites Minnesota collectors to share a portion of their collection with the public, allowing them to share works signifying a lifelong commitment to the arts and the artists that have ignited their passion for collecting.
Collect Call 5 Participating Collectors include Mark Addicks & Tom Hoch, Grant Amadio & Dooglas Escobar-Moran, Tom Arneson, Kathryn Hanna, Amanda Luke & Leo Alberti, Carrie McCabe-Johnston & Jasha Johnston, Herman J. Milligan, Jr. Ph.D. & Constance Osterbaan-Milligan, Daniel Romero, Jim Rustad & Kay Thomas and Amy & Mark Spencer.
The notion of collecting for me embodies the essence of a life’s journey filled with creative objects made by friends, acquaintances, and strangers, giving me a source of energy and inspiration every day. For me, it is also about activating it (the collection) for the common good. - Herman J. Milligan, Jr. Ph.D.
This exhibition offers an insight into the relationships forged between collectors and artists, presenting a sampling of artwork that inspired these art lovers to find a space in their homes to live with the work daily.
This exhibition is made possible by the collectors and wall sponsors who have invested in artists and SooVAC. The collectors can feature whatever they want to share or promote. This year, some collectors decided to invite individuals just starting their journey as collectors, present new works of artists in their collection, or share objects and techniques that inspire them, from contemporary to vintage. Collecting comes in many different flavors, but the common denominator is celebrating things that bring a spark to their lives.
Image: Collect Call 4 - Courtesy of Rik Sferra
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