Close and Far | Stefanie Kiihn and Sarah Boyle Carmack

Close and Far | Stefanie Kiihn and Sarah Boyle Carmack

About the Artists:

Sarah Boyle Carmack is a Twin Cities oboist and multifaceted artist who is in constant amazement of the sights and sounds in our natural surroundings. She paints the essence of Minnesota nature throughout the seasons in the form of vividly colored landscapes, birds, and botanical gouache paintings on watercolor paper. Sarah spends her free time hiking in the woods, and observing plants and wildlife as inspiration for her visual art. She adorns her finished paintings with metallic gold paint to create movement and  iridescence. 

Stefanie Kiihn is a Minnesota-based artist who works in pen and ink. The principal theme of her art is the history of a place. What did the city look like before freeways and railroads? Where are the telltale signs of lost neighborhoods and lost ways of life? What architectural treasures were lost and what survived? Who shaped the city we know today? Her work investigates neighborhoods to match historic maps to current streets and buildings. She researches the people and architecture of the past to locate the ghost-like footprints that are left. 

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