Before and After

Before and After

Viewpoint Gallery celebrates their grand opening with an exhibition featuring the work of Suyao Tian & Gene Hartsock

The grand opening exhibition titled “ Before and after” will honor the work of the former 35 year owner and cobbler Gene Hartsock alongside the work of the artist and owner of Viewpoint Gallery, Suyao Tian. This show will visually bring to the change for this space and it’s future, while celebrating its history and impact within the community.

Opening Reception Date:
Sept 9th, Friday, 6pm - 9pm

Opening Reception Activities:
Indoor exhibition and outdoor venders
Live music
Food and drinks

Special Thanks (Food and Drinks From) :
Groundswell Cafè
Master Noodle (St.Paul)
Pho Pasteur

 Viewpoint Gallery aims to be the go-to space to tap into broader Twin Cities art community along with national artists from the convenience of your local neighborhood. Viewpoint gallery has exhibitions, art programming, workshops and other activities for our community.

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