Avian Night Sky: A Collaborative Exploration of Darkness and Transition

Avian Night Sky: A Collaborative Exploration of Darkness and Transition

Artists MaryBeth Garrigan and Petra Johnita Lommen invite you to immerse yourself in the celestial wonder of their "Avian Night Sky" exhibition at the Schmidt Artist Lofts Landmark Gallery in St Paul

Showing at Landmark Gallery at the Schmidt Brew House St Paul MN; along with a Companion Exhibit at the National Eagle Center in Wabasha MN Avian Night Sky: A Collaborative Exploration of Darkness and Transition.

This captivating display celebrates the fading beauty of our night skies, threatened by light pollution. Through ethereal paintings, the artists explore the transformative power of darkness. As birds soar through starlit heavens, they become metaphors for our own journeys through the subconscious realms of life. Garrigan's environmental activism echoes in the celestial backdrop, while Lommen's narrative weaves threads of the LGBTQ experience into the cosmic tapestry. 

Digital augmentation enhancing paintings into a multi-sensory experience by Artist Altruit. Featuring the music of Jerry Kosak and poetry by Stephen Wilbers, creating a symphony of art, sound and verse. Their compositions, inspired by the artwork, engage all senses, inviting you to delve into the depths of the exhibition. Guests tables from Starry Night Skies North and Art to Change the World invite you to learn how lighting and art can make a difference for your communities! Join us in this experiential realm funded through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund, where darkness becomes a canvas for introspection and the night sky guides us through the transitions of life. Call 651-564-1026 or email uglydaisystudio@gmail.com for private tours.

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