13th Annual Monster Drawing Rally

13th Annual Monster Drawing Rally

Midway presents their annual live-art-making fundraising event featuring over 50 local artists

Please join us on Saturday, February 8 for our 13th Annual Monster Drawing Rally. We are excited to host this event for the first time in our new space after a two-year hiatus while renovating our building!

Watch artists draw live throughout the event
Bring home the drawings you love for $35

The Monster Drawing Rally is an exciting, family friendly event that involves Twin Cities artists and the community with all proceeds directly supporting Midway’s upcoming public programs. Artists generously donate their time and talent by drawing live at the event during three one-hour rounds at 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm. Each drawing is available immediately for sale (first come/first serve) for a flat price of $35. Event attendees are invited to watch as artists draw and keep an eye on the many finished drawings available for purchase.

Monster Drawing Rally
Saturday, February 8
2 – 6 pm

Eric Pham of Khue’s Kitchen will host a pop-up during the event — don't miss out on one of his iconic fried chicken sandwiches! There will also be a cash bar with beer and n/a beverages for purchase.

Monster Drawing Rally Artists
Erik Benson, Kim Benson, Sishir Bommakanti, Rachel Breen, Sophia Chai, Khadija Charif, Wen-li Chen (with Darren and Ebi Tesar), Zoja Chmielarczyk, Rachel Collier, Anne Collingwood, Lucy Comer, Melissa Cooke Benson, Dane Cree, Jose Dominguez, Pete Driessen, Andy DuCett, Sam Dunne, Jennie Ekstrand, Emma Eubanks, John Fleischer, Nathanael Flink, Lauren Flynn, Matt Friesen, Patrick Gantert, Autumn Garrington, Michael Gaughan, Anne George, Ryan Gerald Nelson, Regan Golden, Calvin Hafermann, Christopher Harrison, Jay Heikes, Nancy Julia Hicks, Jaysen Hohlen, Philli Irvin, Samuel Johnson, Austen Kielblock, Lisa Kill, Sam Larom, Noah Lawrence-Holder, Allegra Lockstadt, Melissa Loop, Jeremy Lundquist, Harry Malesovas, Mary Jane Mansfield, Dr Bon Mott, Nathan Motzko, Kindra Murphy, Jodi Reeb, Nina Martine Robinson, David Ruhlman, Saulaman Schlegel, Jenny Schmid, Abe Shriner, Peter Steineck, Maria Cristina "Tina" Tavera, Brooks Turner, Aaron Van Dyke, Sheila Wagner, Kimberly Wetzel, Matthew Yaeger, and Mathew Zefeldt!

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