Valure (Va’ lure: to value)

Valure (Va’ lure: to value)

A collection of artwork by women that explores body image and beauty, societal pressures, the subconscious and death.

Amidst the upheaval of 2016, one of the many things that remain uncertain as we enter a year with the new President-elect is how women’s rights will be affected. With this in mind, Gamut's inaugural show highlights a group of five talented female artists whose work is a challenging, powerful and visible reminder that women will not be silenced or devalued in the art world and beyond.

For Valure, five artists set out to deconstruct the confines of the idealized “feminine” and explore what it means to value the self while living within a society which places a taboo on aging and an endless fascination on youth. Influenced by dreams, individual identity and the metamorphosis of the body, this collection of work honors the physical, valuing life outside of the scope of the day-to-day.

Though each artist’s unique experience is apparent, their visual connection is a transcendent journey into the various ways society, culture and our own bias shape and often distort identity.

Bethany Birnie, Bunny Portia, Caitlin Karolczak, Jane Wunrow, and Serah Sauser

OPENING RECEPTION // Friday, January 27th  – $5
Featuring live experimental dub music by local female electronic music producer Aimerie

CLOSING RECEPTION // Friday, February 17th – $10
Featuring “Mannequin’s Daughter,” an original dance performance piece from Ghostbridge Theatre

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