Quiet Water

Quiet Water

An exhibit of new work by Michael Paul

Paul is best known for his paintings of the northern Great Plains as well as his use of traditional encaustic materials. His work is included in numerous private and public collections throughout the Midwest, including the North Dakota Museum of Art, Plains Art Museum, the Federal Reserve Bank and Mayo Clinic.
In this upcoming show, Paul departs the prairie to focus on the horizon of Lake Superior and the forests of the Boundary Waters, an area he has long enjoyed exploring. His encaustic paintings and silverpoint drawings shift between shorelines and open waters, taking in the full measure of these freshwater treasures. His keen eye for detail and atmosphere allows observers to marvel at the blue expanse of the lake, textured rock formations protruding from the deep water, or the movement of the waves against a bank.
As the artist explains, “From the Big Lake to Battle Lake and countless shores in between, I have observed the changing season. Like many people, I am slowed on my journey by reflections of light on quiet waters, by stone and dense forests, and by the sanctuary that wilderness provides.”
Michael Paul will be present at the opening reception.
The opening reception and exhibition runs concurrently with Parts Unknown, a show of new work by Robert Dorlac, Fred Hagstrom, and Barbara McIlrath.

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