Geometric Visions

Geometric Visions

A group show at Gallery427 delving into the connection between art and mathematics

The connection between mathematics and art goes back thousands of years. Mathematics has been used in the design of Gothic cathedrals, Rose windows, oriental rugs, mosaics and tilings. Geometric forms were fundamental to the cubists and many abstract expressionists, and award-winning sculptors have used topology as the basis for their pieces.

Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways.

Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics can be discerned in arts such as music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles.

Geometric Visions focuses on mathematics in the visual arts with four artist who incorporate the use of math and or geometric patterns into there work to create stunning works that explore the visualization of mathematics.

Artists Showing

  • Alexandra Motz
  • Ann Marie Petermeir
  • Lori DeLyser
  • Darrell Hagan

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