From Here to There...

Paintings by Lindsey Ries at Gallery360

Local artist Lindsay Ries journeys her viewer on a painterly portrayal of the scenic countryside that surrounds the rural backdrop of her youth in the upper Midwest.  This Gallery 360 exhibition entitled, "From Here to There", captures the small towns and familiar roadside sights in a contemporary painting style unique to Ries.  Modern color arrangements, exaggerated brayer markings and pencil gestures combine to give these rural compositions a mark of urban freshness. In one painting a candy store of hues shimmers in the sunlight on an old tin shed, while in another, cubic cloud formations collide to highlight the spans of a seemingly endless roadway.  All of these paintings work together to entice the viewer to hit the small roadsides at one point this summer, or just stop in for a glimpse of scenic inspiration at the gallery. 

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